Red Bull Skateboarding Projects

Red Bull is pretty well known for having some wild marketing stunts.

They had a guy jump a dirt bike off of a building in Las Vegas, they have a Redbull helicopter that can do a backflip, and they even sponsored that one dude who literally sky dived from a satellite in space.

Regardless of the activity, it seems like Red Bull always down to spend thousands dollars just to make a sick video, and because of that, they’ve made a lot of pretty cool skateboarding content over the years.

Stone Quarry

So first up we have a skateboarding project Red Bull filmed recently at a stone quarry in Norway.

Apparently the quarry has a type of stone that’s even harder than marble, which makes it perfect for skating.

For this project, they made a ton of different ramps out of the stone, some being smaller technical obstacles that almost anyone could skate, and others being massive ramps that most people would get broke off on.

The entire place is essentially just a real life version of that one map on Skate 3, so it’s definitely one of the cooler skateboarding projects that Red Bull has done.

Also, after they were done with the project, the quarry donated all of the ramps to the local town to make a skatepark, which was honestly pretty cool.

A lot of times when companies pay thousands of dollars for these projects the ramps they use end up getting wasted, so it’s good to see that the local skateboarders actually got a nice park out of it.

Skating On Top Of A Bridge

Next we have skating a half pipe on top of a bridge.

Honestly, this one’s pretty straight forward. There’s a bridge in Brazil that has what’s essentially a massive vert ramp on top of it, and Red Bull funded a project for Sandro Dias to go skate it.

This is kind of a funny one because I feel like most skaters who drove across that bridge would probably think about skating it, but then someone actually decided to do it.

Every skater has driven past a spot like this and talked about skating it, but deep down everyone knows it’s never going to happen, except this time, it did.

He only did a few tricks while he was up there, but considering he was 150 feet up, it’s pretty sketchy that he did anything other than a kick turn.

Some people weren’t impressed by it because there were nets on the sides, but even with the nets, most skaters wouldn’t even try to skate it.

Skating Salt Flats In Bolivia

Number 3 on the list is skating salt flats in Bolivia.

For this project Red Bull built an entire skatepark out of salt, which doesn’t seem like it would work, but somehow it did. Everything from the ground to the ledges to the quarter pipes were all made of salt, and somehow it ended up being skateable.

At first glance it looks like it’d be pretty easy and fun to skate, but this is probably one of the hardest projects Red Bull has done.

Just to start things off, the salt flats in Bolivia are almost 12,000 feet above sea level, so they literally had those dude using oxygen tanks in between tries. Now I don’t know if that was just to be dramatic, but then again, I’ve never skated 12,000 feet above sea level.

Aside from the altitude, let’s not forget that they’re skating on salt. It might look smooth from far away, but I’d be willing to bet that it’s a lot rougher than it seems. Also, imagine how bad it would hurt to fall and cut yourself when everything there is made out of salt.

Even with all that said, it’s still cool that they managed to build and skate a skatepark in the middle of a salt flat. I just wonder if they took it down afterwards or if they just left it there.

Skating A Waterpark In Dubai

Number 4 is skating a water park in Dubai.

It’s pretty much every skateboarders dream to skate an empty waterpark, so it’s cool to see Red Bull make this happen.

The water park they skated is called Aquaventure and it’s located on a man made palm shaped island in Dubai.

Out of all of the skateboarding projects that Red Bull has done, this one is definitely one of the more impressive ones. Most of the rides that they’re skating are super high up, so even doing simple tricks on them is pretty sketchy.

Skate Illusion

Number 5 is the optical illusion skate park.

Almost everyone has seen an optical illusion at some point, but Red Bull was the first company to blend optical illusions with actual skateable obstacles.

Even though most of Red Bull’s videos are at these elaborate setups in some crazy place, seeing them get creative with a few simple ramps and some good camera work was still really impressive.

The entire video is pretty trippy, and even after they show you how they did it, it’s still tricks your brain if you go back and watch it again. It’s kind of like one of the old skate and create videos, but just a lot more confusing to watch.

They also have a little behind the scenes of the project where they explain the process behind it and everything it took to make it, which makes you respect the whole thing a lot more.

This definitely isn’t the craziest or most expensive Red Bull project, but it’s still a cool video worth watching.

Skating A Floating Miniramp

Number 6 on the list is skating a floating miniramp in Finland.

Bob Burnquist might have done this first when he built one in Lake Tahoe, but the one Red Bull built is easily just as good.

A lot of people have made some impressive miniramps over the years, but the one redbull built really stepped things up. The miniramp had a few different sized extensions to skate, it had a spine ramp in the middle of it, it had a water gap on one side of it, and it even had a built in sauna, which is about the most Finland thing you can do.

Skating Inside Of An Office

For number 7 we have skating an office building.

Most skateboarders hate the idea of working in an office, but Red Bull made it seem somewhat appealing when they took a normal office building and converted it into an indoor skatepark.

With this project, Red Bull hired some actors and staged it as if it were a real office, and it’s cool to see how creative they were able to get with it.

Also, for being an indoor park inside of a cramped office space, the stuff they built actually looks kind of fun.

Of course, the space is a little limited, but it’s still better than a lot of people local parks. They got creative with it and combined a lot of normal office furniture with things that you can skate, and considering they built it on the 23 floor of a sky scraper, it seems like it turned out pretty good.

Skating In The Moab Desert

Number 8 on the list is skating the Moab desert in Utah.

This is definitely one of the coolest skateboarding projects Red Bull has done, because rather than trying to build a skatepark in some crazy location, they just went out into nature and found spots to skate.

What makes this such a cool project is the amount of spots they were able to find. In the video, they found some gaps to skate, they skated a rock like a make shift out ledge, and they even found a spot that looks like a perfect quarterpipe.

There were a lot of people hating on this because they felt like the boards were damaging the rocks, but honestly, skateboard wheels aren’t really strong enough to cause any real damage, so overall it was a harmless project.

Skating In The Woods

Number 9 is skating in the woods.

Not too long ago, Red Bull built a full skatepark in the middle of the woods in Austria, and the video they made of it ended up being pretty impressive.

Some of the ramps they skated were normal things that you’d probably expect, but they also got creative with a few ramps too. They made a couple of gaps and some bump to flats, they had a pole jam that looks like it was made out of wood, and they also straight up skated off of a cliff.

Overall it seems like a nice project, and I feel like it’d be pretty cool to skate a park in the middle of the woods.

Skating A Wind Turbine Factory

Number 10 is skating a wind turbine factory.

Out of every project on this list, skating a wind turbine factory is definitely the most random, but they actually made it look like a lot of fun.

For a lot of these projects they have to build stuff and stage things to skate, but for this one it doesn’t seem like they really changed a lot. The things they skated were pretty basic and simple, but they still seemed fun.

Just about every skater would love to skate one of those massive full pipes, and they even put two of them next to each other to make a gap.

Again, this was a pretty random project and I’d be really interested to know how the whole thing came about, but it definitely made for a cool video.


I've been skating for 10+ years, and along the way I've learned a few things that work, and a lot of things that don't.

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